
10 December 2019 TRADE COMMENTARY / newsletter

Greetings: Tuesday 10th December 2019: My GTC order to close out my Crude Oil short strangle was filled at 0.05.  I shorted the 75-strike CALL and the 40 PUT for a total of $140 back on […] Read More

2019 Commentary

Monday July 8th, 2019:  TRADE COMMENTARY Greetings:  Nice to get back to a full trading week after the short week last week with light trading, which is typical during market holiday weeks. Lots to discuss […] Read More

28 May 2019 TUESDAY newsletter and TRADE COMMENTARY

Greetings: NEW TRADE TODAY: closing purchase NOV19 1100 and 1200 strike CALLS.  Soybeans:  Beans are likely to follow the corn market up and that does not bode well for my short NOV19 short calls at […] Read More

2019 Commentary
22 January 2019 TUESDAY Trade Commentary

22 JAN 2019: Trade Commentary On the general economy:  There’s is historically, an argument that the stock market is a barometer for the health of the economy.  With trade talks continuing and a government shutdown […] Read More

17 January 2019 THURSDAY newsletter

TIME FARMING TRAINING BULLETIN newsletter: 17 January 2019 THURSDAY Here are new trades I placed today: Trade: Sell APR19 Crude Oil 35-strike PUT for 0.06 cents ($60) Date placed: 17JAN19 Proceeds from option $60.00 Commission […] Read More

2019 Commentary
14 January 2019 MONDAY Trade Commentary

Improvements in the Newsletter and Trade Commentary for 2019: Starting this week on January 15, 2019 – I will be posting both the TRADE COMMENTARY and ALL TRADES HERE ON THIS ONE PAGE under the […] Read More

17 December 2018 MONDAY Trade Commentary

The FOMC meeting is Wednesday this week (19DEC2018) and if they pause interest rate hikes – there could be a rally in stocks.  Just as importantly, this will be a chance for the FED to […] Read More