18 July 2019 THURSDAY newsletter

Greetings:  New Trades Today  18 JULY 2019

This morning, I made a closing purchase:  I bought the Crude Oil DEC19 90-strike CALL option for 0.04 ($40).  I originally sold it for $100 (.10), so the profit = +$60 per options not incl. commissions.

Then I immediately put in a GTC (good til cancelled) order to SELL the Crude Oil DEC19 $80-strike CALL for 0.10 ($100)

I closed the CALL of the 90C leg of the 90C/40P short strangle and will sell an 80C to replace the short 90C I closed.  This is sometimes called “rolling” a strike.  So I took a profit on the 90C and sold premium for the 80C in the same class (DEC19)

Except for closing the Crude Oil DEC19 90-strike CALL, and putting in a GTC to sell the DEC19 80-strike for 0.10 or better, my CURRENT POSITIONS are the same as posted on July 10th:  https://www.timefarming.com/blog/16-july-2019day/ 


If you have any questions, just email me at Don@WriteThisDown.com 

Short Comment:  re: Corn and Soybeans:
Ag TV program today (comes out each weekday early morning) spoke of ‘prevent plant’ acres for Corn at being 7 to 10 million, and soybeans 2 to 3 million.  Certainly bullish if the USDA comes out in Aug with numbers similar to this.  Ag TV link is here: https://www.agweb.com/agday


That is all today.  Thanks, have a good weekend. – Don

Don A. Singeltary


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