Option Income Training Bulletin


04 MARCH 2019 Commentary

CRUDE OIL:  I made a short video on the “how and why” I’m made a decision to put in an order on one of my current trades around Crude Oil.  In this discussion are some ideas on “When do I take profits on a trade?”  Also I discuss a trade I’m considering for SEP19 Crude Oil options.  You can get the trade and use it to look up in your trading platform and practice shopping options to sell:

I am planning to have more commentary this WEDNESDAY 06 MARCH with info on grains and some comments on Gold.

If you are on a FREE TRIAL please remember to sign up so you won’t miss any issues or commentary.  Rates are $52.50 a month and there is a BIG discount on the annual rate.  Thank you for your support.  Please see this page:


If there is a topic/subject you would like to see on one of training video, please email me – all email is confidential.

My email is: Don@WriteThisDown.com  – Don


This type of trading is risky and not suitable for all investors.  The trade examples here and instruction are for educational purposes only.  This is not a trade advisory service.  Thank you.


The commentary and examples are for teaching purposes only and are not intended to be a trading or trade advisory service. Any investments, trades, and/or speculations made in light of  the ideas, opinions, and/or forecasts, expressed or implied herein on the web site and/or newsletter, are committed at your own risk, financial or otherwise. Trading with leverage could lead to greater loss than your initial deposit. Trade at your own risk.   Investors and traders are responsible for their own investment/trading decisions including entries, exits, position, sizing and  use of stops or lack thereof.  This is not a trade advisory service and is for educational purposes only.  The content on the pages here is believed to be reliable - but we cannot guarantee it.